Friday, April 9, 2010

Episode VI GO!

Scene 1: Featuring Johnny and Professor Meriweather

Johnny: Well how does it work professor?

Meriweather: Well you see Johnny, it emits pulses of a high frequency electromagnetic radio beam. The waves of this beam travel until they hit something then they bounce and are picked up by this receiver over here.

Johnny: Well that sure is neat professor, but how does it affect the Zeppelin?

Meriweather: An excellent query my boy. When we turn it on, we can see in the dark, or in fog or clouds. It lets us detect objects in our path, and we can tell how far away they are, the range essentially.

Johnny: Radio detection? range? Sounds complicated.

Meriweather: no no, its really quite simple. I call it Radio Beam Pulse Ultra Sight Scope. Or the RABPUSS.

Johnny: Um ok professor. So does it work?

M: Welll, no. Because Im missing some parts.

Daedelus : (loudspeaker) Johnny, Meriweather, come to the bridge.

Meriweather: Well Johnny, It seems our presence is requested by the captain.

Johnny: One more thing, Professor,

Meriweather: yes my boy?

JD: Did you ever finish that pen? the one for left-handed people? I was going to give it to lefty.

Meriweather: Of it is. I had completely forgotten about it. You might also find it useful in the tropics! I built in a small tracking device, and a barometer to it. Its incredibly practical. Especially if your brother is ever,...misplaced again. I call it the Trackopen.

JD: Golly gee professor, im sure Lefty will be thrilled. Thanks!

M: Any time johnny, I always enjoy working for an easily pleased customer.

(Running to Deck.)

Daedelus: How much progress have you made on the Ruby Coyne.

Coyne: I've finished translating most of the glyphs Captain but I'm going to need a cypher translate the rest, its some pretty archaic stuff.

Flex: Well do they say anything useful?

Coyne: Whoever engraved it was mostly just ranting about Gods and Ceremonies. but old voorderbloom obviously thought there was something important in these glyphs, and i intend to find it.

Flex: I never did care much for all that Chinamen hocus pocus.

Coyne: Good God Flex, we didn't even go to China.

Daedelus: I just hope you know what you're getting yourself into Coyne.

(door opens)

Johnny: Good afternoon Captain!

Meriweather: Hello to one and all!

Daedelus: How is that device coming along Meriweather?

Meriweather: You mean the RABPUSS? I've been making great progress captain. But i'll need a tungsten antenna as well as a twelve megawatt power source.

Daedelus: The RABPUSS is crucial is we're going to fly into Turkey. We are mostly likely going to have to run the blockade at night.

Coyne: You can't be serious Daedelus, there is no way you think we'll be able to drag this old bag across the bleeding turkish border. The Zepplin itself is a huge target and we've only got three biplanes.

Johnny: Are we going to be seeing more pirates Captain?

Daedelus: I wouldn't bank on seeing any more pirates Johnny. The Turkish border police are notoriously intolerant of such characters. They keep a pretty close watch on their border so the risks are more than pirates want to take. But we dont have a choice.

Coyne: Um yes we do.

FB: NO we dont coyne! There are matters of.... incomprehensible preponderance.. in Istanbul.

CT: Im not even sure if you know what those words mean Flex.

FB: Thats prepostulant Coyne, dont be aburd.

JD: Im pretty sure thats not a word mr brawnman

CT: and im definitely sure

D: ENOUGH Moving right along, as usual.

JD: I have a question!

Daedelus: Yes Johnny?

Johnny: Any word on Lefty?

Dadelus: Well the note from the Black Falcon said " Captain Daedalus, do not go to Germany, it is a trap. Also, desist from your search for the man you knew as Jacques Laroche. He is dead, you will not find him. "

Johnny: (scared) so are we really not going to go to Germany? what about my brother!!?!?

Flex: Well of course we're still going to Germany, and we're not going to stop on account of some dirty, mask wearing, croissant eating frenchie

Coyne: Wait, what did you just say?

FB: I said he was a mask wearing croissant eating

Coyne: NO No the last bit of the note

D: desist from your search for the man you knew as jacques laroche. He is dead, you will not find him.

C: Thats well odd, i never heard he died. although I remember him telling me, when I last saw him in cairo, a year ago back abouts, that there had been several attempts on his life.

FB: Why would anyone want to kill Jacques?? Poor kid. He was the only one to survive from the Hyperion explosion wasnt he? talk about being dealt a rough hand.

D: The Hyperion, of course. Thats exactly why someone would want to kill jacques. because just as you said Flex. he WAS the only the survivor.

C: I dont follow you Daedalus. Its well known fact that the Hyperion's reactor failed. Although there are some who still suspect Baron von Schmeck had something to do with it. Do you think Jacques knew something? Do you the Baron was trying, and eventually succeeded, in killing him?

D: No Coyne. At least not according to the Falcon. When we met in Bombay he told me that the Hyperion explosion wasnt accidental reactor failure, it was sabotage. And it was the Firm behind it, not von Schmeck. If anyone wanted Jacques dead, it would be the Firm.

M: So if i understand you clearly daedalus, youre saying that the world famous gentlemens' betting club, known as the Firm, killed jacques.

D: Thats exactly what im saying.

FB: It just goes to show you, you cant trust anyone these days, not hun bastards, not masked bastards, and NOT CHINAMEN

C: Well then its bloody well we came to cairo, partially because there are chinamen here, but mostly because i for one want to ask some questions and get some answers. I know some of the places that Jacques used to hang around, that would be a good place to start our inquiries. ill drop by his old lodgings as well. here are some addresses.

D: speaking of inquiries, we still have another problem. We obviously wont have jacques with us, so we need to find another escort to help us get into instanbul. we need some sort of mercenary type, im sure coyne can help us there too.

FB: Well arent we useful today?

C: Im sure if you visit the places on that list, you'll find the type youre looking for.

D: excellent.

JD: more scumbag friends mr tarkington?

C: something like that johnny.

Jeffries: Cairo is ten miles off the starboard side captain!

Daedelus: Prepare for landing!

Jeffries: ay ay Captain!

(zeppelin landing sounds)

Daedelus: All right crew, its time to split up. Winters I'm going to need you to go with Meriweather to procure the necessary materials for the RABPUSS.

Winters: ay ay captain

Meriweather: most excellent

Daedlus: Flex, Johnny, I'm going to need you to come with me. We need to find out what we can about Jacques. Coyne gave me some addresses. and coyne, you are going on that search for the cipher right?

C: quite right. and ill be on the wrong side of the sphinx's tits if my errand isnt successful

FB: Lets go find us a dead guy.

JD: Wow, sounds like an adventure!

Flex: Damn straight. Lets get a move on kid.

First Ovaltine Commercial Perhaps.

The tale of Sir Daedlus, Sir Dangerfist, and Sir Brawnmen

D: This is the first address, coyne said it was a pretty classy establishment, so id say we better keep our eyes open.

FB: sounds fun to me.

(door opens bar etc)

D: barman, we'll take three ovaltines please

BM: sure thing

JD: ah, my favorite, ice cold ovaltine, (the drink of a true boy adventurer)

FB: Are you serious capn? Ovaltine? do i look like a "boy adventurer" to you??

JD: hey!

FB: No offense johnny, but seriously captain

D: Flex, we need our wits about us, and i dont need you starting any small wars like youve been known to do.

FB: fine

D: Barman

BM: what can i help you with?

D: we're looking some pilots who dont ask too many questions.

CA Daedlus, fancy meeting you here. captain arruba at your service. I have some pilots that dont ask "too many questions"

Johnny: Oh no! hes a Brazilian Sky Pirate!

Flex: (growl) Arruda, I though I shot your ass down over the south china sea. Don't worry Johnny, he wouldn't dare pull anything here.

CA: Tsk tsk mr brawnman, such a temper. This is hardly the type of establishment for such things. Now captain, what kind job do you have?

D: escort duty. were making a run into turkey.

CA: (portuguese exclamation)!!!! You are crazy daedalus. but it just so happens, so am i. We might be willing to offer you our services if you wouldn't mind transporting.....a certain...cargo in your zeppelin.

Johnny: (whispered to Daedlus) Are we really going to hire Pirates Captain? Aren't they bad guys

Daedelus: They're opportunists Johnny, as long as we pay the right price they shouldn't give us any trouble.

Flex: (whispered to Daedlus) : I don't trust these Damn macacos, Daedelus,

Daedelus: Well I don't think we'll have much of a choice Flex,

Daedlus: Alright Arruda, but whats in the box.

Arruda: if i intend to tell you, then i would have told you

Daedlus: very well. We leave at sunset. i hope you like flying in the dark

Arruda: but of course. But now we drink like kings! Ovaltine for everyone!

Pirates: Arrrrr!!!!

FB: Here johnny, you can have my ovaltine
(back at the zeppelin)

D:all round a successful mission gentlemen. did you get the materials for the RABPUSS merriweather?

M: We did indeed captain, the device is all systems go!

D: good. How bout you coyne?

C: Well, someone had already cleaned out jacques apartment. i didnt find anything, pretty suspicious if you ask me. as for the cipher, i managed to track it down. ill can explain the rest later.

CA: Captain! we are here! here is the box

JD: That sure is a big box!

CA: not too big i hope?

D: No, we'll put it in the hangar bay.

CA: excellente! (in portaguese) we are ready when you are. I brought ten of my best men.

D: well then lets get this show on the road.

(zeppelin/plane takeoff/)

D(I): We are approaching turkish airspace, man the biplanes!

W (i) aye aye captain. (NI) alexy and flex, your planes are ready

A: za zdroviya!

FB: yea! good vodka alexy, sure beats the hell out of ovaltine. now lets go get some chinamen!

D(i): all turrets call in

M (i):johnny here, belly turret

C (I): Coyne here, top turret

M (I): barnaby here, the RABPUSS is up and running, im detecting a gap in the defenses!! turn 10 degrees right and maintain that heading for 15 miles

D(I) Thanks barnaby,

A(I): plane 1 away

FB(i): plane 2 away

CA: My men are ready to fight to lions!

D(I): roger that, here we go. remember everyone, keep pushing north.

B(I): they have detected us! they are shooting anti aircraft fire! and i see 10 enemy planes inbound on the RABPUSS!!


JD(I): i think i got one!!!!

A(I) molodets mr dangerfist!

CT: Theres two coming in from the right!!!!

D: How are things going out there arruba?

CA: my companheiros are fighting gloriously captain!!!!

D: We are almost through

FB: HAH!!! Down in flames you ottoman bastards!!! run back to your whore mothers!

JD: There is another one coming in

C: I got him i got him

(gratuitious portoguese)
D: not everyone at once, i cant understand anything.

B: we seem to be past the ground defenses! only one small flight of airplanes left!

D: Heres our chance, we need to land in the mountains. there is a small aerodrome i know. we are almost there.

JD: Im going to get more ammunition from the hangar bay

(running steps, muffled gunfire etc)

JD: what are you doing mr winters??

W: Im just fixing this box, one side came open during the fight. it took eight, eight nails.

JD: Umm ok, mr winters. whats that?

W: Oh, it is nothing, just a spare part for the a biplane.

JD: is that from the box?

W: No, no of course not. it must have slid from its place.

CT(I) Johnny, where are you?? i need more ammunition.

JD: i gotta go mr winters.

W: right, be be careful little dangerfist

(gunfire chatter dying down)

B: Thats the last of them down.

D: lets get down on the deck.

CA: We will follow you in.

A: Flex and I are back on board. slava bogu!!

FB: what a great night, i havnt had this much fun since the last time i was in turkey!

CT: And we all know how that turned out.

D: Welcome to Turkey lads, looks like we made it.

CA: Not all of us made it though captain. I have lost four of my men. They fought like lions, but they died, like men.

D: Well I suppose that I'd better get your package back to you then, Captain.

CA: But of course!

Johnny: Well I guess its too bad that we never found out anything about Jacques in Cairo Captain...

CA: Daedelus, is this Jacques you speak of Jacques laroche (whatever)?

DD: He was indeed.

CA: Were you a friend of his?

DD: He was the closest friend of my dead son. Some said they were like brothers.

CA: Well, then..... I suppose, since we have fought side by side, perhaps you should know. I will tell you a secret. I was paid to killed Jacques in India one year ago. But I did not! He shot down six of my best men, but I could never kill a man who fought with such....such...courage and valor.

DD: Does anyone else know of Jacques survival?

CA: Claro que não! It was his wish that I report him dead to my....como se diz....cliente. And I was bound by my honor to comply.

DD: And who was this client of yours?

CA: Ah captain Daedelus, you ask many difficult questions! This I do not know, this man, he did not speak me his name. I know only that he paid well, very well, and in Swiss Franks!

DD: Thank you Captain Accaba. Winters should have the package unloaded soon.

Winters: Here is your box Captain! One, one box.

(Engines starting)

CA: Captain Daedelus! We will meet again, and soon!

(biplanes flying into the night)

CT: Those Brazilians sure are a quirky bunch.

JD: They sure are!

CT: Any thoughts on how to get into Istanbul Daedelus?

DD: We take a truck. We'll leave Jeffries and Alexis to watch the Zeppelin. Everyone else is coming to Istanbul.

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